Welcome to the blog: WORSHIP GOD

         What does it mean to worship God?

Worship means respectful devotion— loving, honoring, and obeying Someone who deserves our highest regard.

Worship is a way of acknowledging God's nature and activity, and it is a response to who He is and what He has done (C.S. Lewis). At its heart, Divine worship is about recognizing the greatness and worth of God- the most valuable Being in the universe- and expressing one's love and devotion to Him. 

"Honor the Lord for the glory of His name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness."
Psalm 29:2

This blog intends to share meaningful and essential information on the Meaning, Purpose, Practice, and Rewards in the Worship of God.
Light in the Darkness

The Meaning of Worship 

The word worship comes from the Old English word "worth-ship", which means to ascribe worth or value to someone or something. To worship God means to acknowledge or recognize His worthiness, greatness, majesty, holiness, love, grace, and sovereignty over all creation. Worship is not just a feeling or an emotion, but a deliberate act of the will and the mind to honor God for who He is and what He has done. The true meaning of worship does not impose a duty or a ritual, but a real delight and a personal relationship with God. 

The Purpose of Worship 

Worship is not just a duty that we owe to God, but also a privilege that we enjoy as God's children. Worship is a way of expressing our love, gratitude, reverence, and awe to our Creator and Redeemer. Worship is also a way of aligning our hearts and minds with God's own will and purposes. Worship helps us to grow in our knowledge and understanding of God, to deepen our intimacy and fellowship with Him, and to experience His presence and power. Worship gives us a lasting purpose.

The Practice of Worship 

Worship can take many forms, such as singing songs of praise, praying, reading religious texts, quietly meditating or attending religious services. It can be a way of connecting with God on a personal level and deepening one's faith. Worship is not limited to a specific time, place, or activity. We can worship God anytime, anywhere, and in any way that honors God. However, some common elements are essential for the practice of worship such as reading God's Word, prayer, meditation, and giving our time. 

The Reward of Worship 

The Westminster Shorter Catechism of Faith states, "Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy God forever." Thus, to GLORIFY GOD is true worship, and to ENJOY GOD forever is the all-encompassing reward that includes very specific benefits listed here. The ultimate reward and goal of our worship is to know and enjoy God more deeply. Also, what is God's ultimate goal for us? Our salvation from God's wrath, our justification by which we are declared to stand righteous before Him, and our adoption as His sons and daughters all have but one single and ultimate goal: to BRING GOD GLORY!
